Supriya Surender

Hi! My name is Supriya (AKA Baldie Boo). My hair loss story started 7 years ago in a Target dressing room where I noticed my first bald spot. A few doctor appointments later, I had a confirmed diagnosis of Alopecia Areata. My immune system had taken it upon itself to start attacking my hair follicles, leaving me with a growing bald patch on the back of my head. With time and treatment, the spot filled back in, and I assumed my diagnosis would soon become a distant memory.

All of this changed in the Spring of 2015. After a stressful few months, I noticed the patch had returned. However, this time things took a much different turn. As an Indian woman with dark and thick hair, shedding had always been business as usual in my book. Yet suddenly, I seemed to be shedding more hair than I ever had before. My doctor confirmed that I was in the midst of an Alopecia Areata flare up, and my hair continued to fall out by the handful. In three shockingly fast months, my hair was gone, and I was a 32 year old bald woman. A scenario that I had never prepared myself for.

This new normal was tough and navigating the world of helper hair was so overwhelming! When you Google “wigs” the search will result in a $10 Halloween wig, a $5000 human hair wig and everything in between. I had no clue where to begin. Until I met Hannah that is. Hannah and I met a little over a year into my Alopecia journey in a Facebook group for women with hair loss. It all started with a thread about dating. Hannah posted about her husband and his acceptance of her hair loss. I clicked on her photo and the first thing I noticed was her BEAUTIFUL hair. I assumed it was a pre-hair loss pic, as I had never seen a wig look so beautiful and natural in my life. I asked her if it was a wig, I nearly fell over when she told me it was!! At the time, I was wearing a VERY expensive, awful wig that I hated. I just assumed sinceI was wearing a “top of the line” piece, that there was no such thing as a natural looking, beautiful wig. Man did Hannah teach me otherwise!

From our very first phone call, I knew I had found the person who could give me the hair of my dreams. Hannah immediately made me feel safe and even took her wig off while we chatted on Facetime! She was empathetic, and was one of my first rays of hope on this journey. Not only did she help me see that wigs could be wonderful, but she also helped me see that life with hair loss was worth living. She taught me that I could find love and happiness and truly live my best life regardless of the hair *(or lack thereof) on my head.

Even though we had just met, I knew right away that I needed Hannah to use her super powers to customize a wig for me. Let me tell you, I was NOT disappointed with the end result. Not only did she make my wig dreams come true, but she made my lifetime hair dreams come true. I had spent my entire life wishing for the kind of hair Hannah creates, and suddenly I had it!

Over the years, I’ve purchased more custom wigs from her collection, and they get better and better with every piece. Which is wild, seeing as how amazing they were to begin with. Hannah has an innate ability to hear what her client wants and make it come to fruition. Color, cut, style, and density. It has never been about making a sale, and it has always been about giving her clients their groove back. I can’t explain to you how amazing it is to have a person like Hannah in your corner. She truly understands how devastating hair loss is, which is why she puts her heart and soul into creating custom wigs.

Alopecia Areata has been one of the wildest rides of my life, but I can confidently say that I am now the strongest, happiest, and most confident version of myself. Hannah has played such a big role in my metamorphosis. I am so grateful for her, and excited for anyone who joins the Perfectly You family. Be ready to have your wildest wig dreams come true!


Hailey Paquette